Search for candidates with the competencies and training you need.

  • Post jobs that will be seen by users with the relevant competencies.
  • Search though our comprehensive database using our revolutionary search engine that allows you to search the competencies that users have uploaded as well as work experience and location.
  • Search for free and only pay when you want to retrieve a candidate’s details.
  • A database comprising of construction industry professionals only.

Competent Crowd was created to provide a simple and secure place for construction industry professionals to store their competencies and training certifications. In doing so we have also provided them a platform to become visible to prospective recruiters and allow recruiters a ways of searching for candidates by the competencies and qualifications they hold. This gives you confidence of knowing they have the required skill set to fulfil the job role. With this unique search parameter along with the usual experience, job title and location allows us to offer a package to recruiters that cannot be found elsewhere.

The relevant job section matches a user’s specific competencies with the job post making it easily visible to the right candidate.

There are a number of different packages to choose from to fit the needs of anybody looking for the right candidate to fill their job opening. Its free to search our database and you only pay when you have found a suitable candidate.

Competent Crowd is a must for prospective recruiters to gain an edge in the construction industry. We aim to help construction recruiters gain access to the right construction professionals.

Bronze Search - £30.00

Search freely throughout the database and view details of up to 20 individuals per month.

Silver Search - £50.00

Search freely throughout the database and view details of up to 100 individuals per month.

Gold Search - £100.00

Search freely throughout the database and view an unlimited number of user details per month.

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